The Road not taken!

An Entrepreneur can change everything around him. He has the power to change people’s lifestyle, the way they work, live and adapt. His successful innovations can bring the world to his knees. He has such immense power.

Entrepreneurship is often ‘The Road Not Taken’ with leaves unturned and the path unexplored, but what lies ahead is unique for each traveller. Entreprenuership is the road for an-always-dreamt India. It not only unchains you from slogging mindlessly for a-highly-profit-oriented organisation, but also gives you a chance to live out your passion. You become the employer and the employee, the decision-maker and the implementer, the risk analyzer and the risk taker, you earn and you pay!
No good comes from working for MNC’s that send all your hardwork in foreign lands. Ask Yourself, are the 12 hours of everyday slogging worth it?

Ofcourse you need to be highly motivated to manage everything of a business on your own and be very calculative before taking any risk. But if you have an idea and the belief that it will work, there is no stopping you. And if you always wanted to ‘be’ the change you wanted to ‘see’ in our country, choose this road.

Offerings made by entreprenuers, result in large scale employment and open numerous job opportunities for the unemployed population of a country. And this is India’s need of the hour. Start-up activites provide capital formation leading to value addition and creation of wealth. Wealth which is for the country, by the country and of the country.  Entrepreneurs explore and exploit opportunities, bring in new products and services, thereby increasing the Gross National Product and the per-capita income.

Our respected Prime Minister, in his Independence Day Speech at the Red Fort highlighted the importance of such new ventures with an innovative tagline of “Start-Up India,Stand-Up India!”. It is for India to stand up on her own feet and prove its existence to the world in terms of ideas, technology and implementation.
With new ideas, entrepreneurs break away from the traditional and obselete methods and improve the quality of life.

A social change and a better lifestyle awaits for everyone.
And the beginning of it is you.

Rimsha Goomer

3rd Year, NITKKR

Every Wanna be Entrepreneurs’ Dilemma!

Yeah I want to be an entrepreneur. So be it… go start your venture says my inner voice, my heart. But what about MBA, civil services, job, even you don’t have money right now, how will you survive says the brain. The sleepless nights are not a big deal, nor the idea nor the hard work or perseverance that is required. But making the right team with people who are totally committed to the cause is the biggest part. But before making the team you got to be sure of your priorities, your expectations and most importantly yourself. Taking the jump is an integral part of the Commitment.

Now this reminds me of a scene from ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ where Bruce Wayne was not able to come out from the well until and unless he made peace with his fears and made the jump without the rope. We knew that now he was totally committed to the cause. Yeah one can sum up the basic requirements for being an entrepreneur in this scene itself.

Fear- The major reason for fear is the unknown that is ahead of us. But then what do you know of tomorrow. Acceptance of this fact in its totality is required. Let’s accept the worse that can happen – the startup will fail. So what? The history is made by people who never chose to quit even after failing again and again. Drew Houston, founder of Dropbox said, “You only have to be right only once.”

Making the jump- For rising high even a little bird has to first fall down from its nest and then with its continuous efforts it flies high. A billion dollar unicorn is not built without taking risks and even can risk anything and everything. Leave the rope and make the jump.

Let not anything stop you. Dream big. Be curious. Always Learn. Work hard. Build a team. Network intelligently.

You are an Entrepreneur!

Abhinav Kumar Gupta, Final Year, NIT KKR